This course was created according to the latest results of scientific research in the field of psychology, behavioral psychology, neuroscience, pedagogy and didactics.

It provides teachers with a completely clear and detailed picture of the development of neurobehavioral difficulties as well as methods and approaches of working with such students / individuals.

In a global context characterized by globalization, diversity and transformation, the societies of the 21st century are subject to uncontrollable social, cultural, political, economic and technological changes. These changes also affected the School which, in order to face new challanges, full of paradoxes and uncertainties, with children and young people who have to face different problems from those of previous generations, the need of transformation of education systems and schools is presented in this course.
Schools have to respond to new challanges. They have to prepare young people for future work that at present is hard to imagine, give them tools to construct civic identities in increasingly complex and plural multicultural societies and make education a comprehensive and continuing lifelong experience.

“Innovative Teaching Methods for Gaining 21st Century Competences” is a 5 days course with the aim to equip learning professionals, teachers, non-formal educators with the knowledge of most up-to-date teaching approaches.

Training is carefully designed on the scientific evidence and based on the most successful teaching practices across the European Union.
Innovatite teaching methods which the participants will learn are:

1. Flipped classroom- you will get the tools and knowledge for the instructional strategy, and a type of blended learning, which increase student engagement and learning by having pupils complete reading at home and work on live problem-solving during class time.
2. Project-based learning- methods and examples of learning about the real-world problems through a driving question or challenge embedded in a school projectm fostering the acquisition and application of new knowledge.
3. Cooperative learning- methods and workshops with the cooperate learning teaching, as well as theory behind this approach. In this method, students work in small groups to accomplish a common learning goal under the guidance of the teacher. Cooperative learning is the best teaching method for the inclusive education.
4. Inquiry-based learning- you will learn about pedagogical approach that triggers students’ curiosity about a problem inviting them to develop questions they are hungry to answer, research the topic related to the questions, present their research and reflect on the results.
5. Problem-based learning- PBL is pedagogical approach that enables students to learn while engaging actively with meaningful problems. Problem – based learning is based on constructivism.

Active working methods which will be practice on during the course are: The puzzle method, Solving a problem, Group writing, Different perspective, Argue for your opinion.
Certification of participation will be issued at the end of the training. We were specially focused on the ways to recognize learning outcomes after the training so the detailed plan of dissemination activities is a part of the training.


Course registration

Course name:
 Innovative Teaching Methods for Gaining 21st Century Competences

The invoice will be issused to:

3 + 7 =




Accommodation and travel costs are not included in the course price.

The invoice will be issued one month before the start of the course/programme and send by email to the contact person (project coordinator).


IBAN: HR9624840081135200485


Raiffeisenbank Austria

TeacherLab Croatia

Ljudevita Gaja 11, 33520 Slatina



Please, send a confirmation of payment to: