Course Offerings
Digital Classroom: ICT Tools for Learning
5 days course with the aim to equip learning professionals, teachers, non-formal educators with the knowledge of most up-to-date teaching...
Strategic Planning and Management of Erasmus+ Projects
During the 5 days course participants will get familiar with tools for strategic planning: SWOT, PESTLE, STAKEHOLDER, Portfolio Analysis. Those...
Strengthening Resilience Among Students and Teachers During the COVID- 19 Pandemic
Cognitive reactions to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are: errors in conclusions, difficult decision-making, poor concentration,...
Innovative Teaching Methods for Gaining 21st Century Skills
This course was created according to the latest results of scientific research in the field of psychology, behavioral psychology, neuroscience,...
Muzej kao mjesto učenja i podučavanja
Poznato je kako neki od najboljih sadržaja za učenje i podučavanje ne dolaze iz prostora školskih učionica, nego iz alternativnih prostora učenja...
Successfully Teaching and Managing Children with ADHD
This course is carefully designed and created for the teachers and educational professionals who work with children with ADHD. Course is designed on...
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Take the next step toward your personal and professional goals.

OID: E10267563 / + 385 98 878 483 /